Meena's Monthly Social Security Newsletter for CPAs and Attorneys

Social Security is arguably one of the biggest retirement incomes for today’s retirees. Yet the rules and regulations surrounding this area can be confusing and overly complicated, making it a challenge for individuals to make the right decision for themselves and their families.

To help CPAs and attorneys better serve their clients in this area, I have written some monthly newsletters with the goal of simplifying social security, along with some practical strategies to use. Below is a sample of those newsletters.

Important: As social security rules and regulations change on a regular basis, always consult with the Social Security Administration for the most up-to-date information.

Please click here to read our Social Security Newsletter Archive

Articles published prior to October 2014 were written by Meena when she was at DA Davidson, an organization with which she is no longer affiliated.
These newsletters are provided for informational purposes only and may no longer be accurate.